Universitas Negeri Surabaya Maths and Sciences Faculty Data Science Bachelor Study Program Benchmarking Visitation

Universitas Negeri Surabaya’s Bachelor of Data Science Study Program’s visitation on February 16 2024 is a form of collaboration that is getting increasingly common in the world of higher education in Indonesia. The event took place in the Faculty Meeting Room, Fl. 2 (R. 228) attended by 14 lecturers. This activity shows the enthusiasm to improve the quality of education through the exchange of knowledge and experience between educational institutions. Through this visitation, the lecturers aim to share their experiences in running the Bachelor of Information Systems Study Program at Universitas Airlangga while getting accredited by LAM INFOKOM.
The event started at 13.00 WIB, ended at 16.00 WIB and ran smoothly. The discussion was opened by the Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Eridani, M.Sc., followed by discussion regarding LAM INFOKOM accreditation. There was a lot of points discussed in the sharing activity. In the LAM INFOKOM accreditation instrument, the elements of the assessment description consist of 3 parts. One of the main topic discussed was the Quality Assurance Cycle (PPEPP). PPEPP is an abbreviation for Penetapan (which underlies what a study program is established upon), Pelaksanaan (what kind of programs take place in the study program), Evaluasi (evaluations within the realm of higher education), Pengendalian (actions done in response to the evaluation results obtained), and the last P is Peningkatan. Mr. Hendra, Head of the Undergraduate Information Systems Study Program, also said that when getting accredited by LAM INFOKOM, everything must have proof, not just in the form of narratives, such as attendance lists, meeting summaries, and so on.
Sharing information between universities through visits from study program lecturers is a positive step in improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia. It is expected that more and more universities actively hold this kind of activity, so that they are able to produce quality study programs that are able to compete at the global level.