Socialization and Promotion of Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology in Tulungagung: Introducing UNAIR Information Systems
On Saturday, November 4 2023, at SMAN 1 Boyolangu Tulungagung, a socialization and promotion event for the Information Systems Study Program at Airlangga University was held. This event is an initiative of the study program in order to expand the reach of the SI UNAIR Study Program to regions in Indonesia, including Tulungagung.

This event was attended by a number of high school students and students who have the potential to become prospective SI UNAIR students. Socialization of the SI Unair Study Program was held at the SMAN 1 Boyolangu mosque. The event was attended by Dr. Rimuljo Hendradi, S.Si., M.Sc., as lecturer and head of the study program from the Bachelor of Information Systems Airlangga University, and Alifian Sukma, S.Kom., M.Kom., as representative from the D4 SI Study Program.
In this session, they explained in detail about the prospects, vision, mission and achievements of alumni of the SI UNAIR Study Program. They also shared information about collaboration with various industrial partners as well as activities such as student exchanges that SI UNAIR students can take part in.
After delivering the material, there was a question and answer session which was attended enthusiastically by the students. They actively asked about various aspects related to the SI UNAIR Study Program.

As a sign of gratitude for the participation of the students in this event, the committee provided several souvenirs with the UNAIR theme, such as pens, key chains, and others.

In the QnA session there was one student who was particularly enthusiastic about this event. He said that he had learned many things related to Information Systems, including programming languages such as C++ and Python. He shares his experiences and knowledge with enthusiasm, providing inspiration to his friends.
This event was held in hopes that the SI UNAIR Study Program will become more well known not only in big cities, but also in regions in Indonesia, including Tulungagung. With the great enthusiasm displayed by the students, it is believed that this can be realized.
The socialization and promotion event for the SI UNAIR study program in Tulungagung ended with high enthusiasm and high hopes for the growth of students’ interest in joining the Information Systems Study Program at Airlangga University.