Center for Information Systems Engineering (CISE)

Profil Grup Riset


Nama RG : Center for Information Systems Engineering

Afiliasi : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Airlangga

Website : 

Tanggal berdiri  : 5 Februari 2024, SK Dekan FST No. 4210/B/UN3.FST/HK.04/2024

Fokus : Digital Economy & Health and Food Security

Area Riset               :  

  • Agile Requirements: Enhancing Software Development using Natural Language Processing

  • Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

  • Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Information Technology Governance


Menjadi kelompok penelitian terkemuka dalam mengembangkan pengetahuan dan inovasi di bidang rekayasa sistem informasi dan kecerdasan bisnis.


  • Mencapai research excellence dengan melakukan penelitian di bidang rekayasa sistem informasi dan kecerdasan bisnis, serta mempublikasikannya pada jurnal dan konferensi bereputasi dan berdampak tinggi.

  • Menghasilkan buku, course module, workshop, dan produk akademik lainnya terkait rekayasa sistem informasi dan kecerdasan bisnis.

  • Menjalin kerjasama dengan industri, pemerintah, dan organisasi nirlaba untuk mengatasi masalah dunia nyata dan berkontribusi pada Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Terlibat dalam kegiatan sosial masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang peran penting rekayasa sistem informasi dan kecerdasan bisnis dalam mendorong inovasi dan daya saing.

Areas of Research

Agile Requirements: Enhancing Software Development using Natural Language Processing

PIC:  Dr. Indra Kharisma Raharjana

Related Publications

  1. Trisnawati, E. ., Raharjana, I. K., Taufik, T., Basori, A. H. ., Alghanmi, N. A. ., & Mansur, A. B. F. . (2024). Analyzing Variances in User Story Characteristics: A Comparative Study of Stakeholders with Diverse Domain and Technical Knowledge in Software Requirements Elicitation . Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence, 10(1), 110–125.

  2. Siahaan, D., Raharjana, I. K., & Fatichah, C. (2023). User story extraction from natural language for requirements elicitation: Identify software-related information from online news. Information and Software Technology, 158, 107195.

  3. Raharjana, I. K., Arifin, M. F., Nur, A. I., & Mubarak, N. (2023). Conversion of User Story Scenarios to Python-Based Selenium Source Code for Automated Testing. TEM Journal, 12(1), 309-315.

  4. Awalurahman, H. W., Raharjana, I. K., Hanief, R., Rohmani, S. A., Korompis, R. B., Oktavian, M. R., … & Zaman, B. (2023, October). Generating Use Case Specification from SALT GUI. In 2023 15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE) (pp. 287-292). IEEE.

  5. Utami, F., Maulidya, S. N., Hidayaturrohman, B., Mubarak, N., Zain, M. Z., Raharjana, I. K., & Zaman, B. (2023, January). An investigation of class diagram builder system from the translation of BPMN and database. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2554, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  6. Nur, A. I., Fasyadin, F., Febriansyah, I. A., Yulianto, M. A., Secoria, I. G., Nagatha, A., … & Raharjana, I. K. (2023, January). User scenario 2 seq: Automated system to generate sequence diagram from user stories scenario. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2554, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  7. Ghiffari, K. A., Fariqi, H., Rahmatullah, M. D., Zulfikarsyah, M. R., Evendi, M., Fathoni, T. A., … & Raharjana, I. K. (2023, January). BPMN2 user story: Web application for generate user story from BPMN. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2554, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  8. Fatimah, I. N., Altavin, R. N., Pangihutan, A. S., Junianto, A. M., Gani, M. A., Khairullah, M., … & Raharjana, I. K. (2023, January). USESPEC to BPMN: Web generator program for use case specification to BPMN. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2554, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  9. Raharjana, I. K., Aprillya, V., Zaman, B., Justitia, A., & Fauzi, S. S. M. (2021). Enhancing software feature extraction results using sentiment analysis to aid requirements reuse. Computers, 10(3), 36.

  10. Sari, D. A. P., Putri, A. Y., Hanggareni, M., Anjani, A., Siswondo, M., & Raharjana, I. K. (2021, February). Crowdsourcing as a tool to elicit software requirements. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2329, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  11. Rahmi Dewi, M., Kharisma Raharjana, I., Siahaan, D., & Fatichah, C. (2021, February). Software Requirement-Related Information Extraction from Online News using Domain Specificity for Requirements Elicitation: How the system analyst can get software requirements without constrained by time and stakeholder availability. In Proceedings of the 2021 10th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (pp. 81-87).

  12. Raharjana, I. K., Siahaan, D., & Fatichah, C. (2021). User stories and natural language processing: A systematic literature review. IEEE access, 9, 53811-53826.

  13. Raharjana, I. K., Siahaan, D., & Fatichah, C. (2019, July). User story extraction from online news for software requirements elicitation: A conceptual model. In 2019 16th international joint conference on computer science and software engineering (JCSSE) (pp. 342-347). IEEE.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

PIC: Dr. Rimuljo Hendradi

Related Publications

  1. Purbandini, P., Purwanti, E., Hariyanti, E., & Ramadhan, F. Y. (2023, December). Application of the decision tree C4. 5 method on the classification of diet types of people with diabetes mellitus. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2975, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  2. Effendy, F., Taufik, T., & Narendra, H. (2023, December). Mobile application for acute respiratory infection clustering. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2975, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  3. Mardianto, M., Effendy, F., Simamora, A. N. M. B., Cahyasari, A. D., Purwoko, C. F. F., & Aliffia, N. (2022). Classification of food menu and grouping of food potential to support the food security and nutrition quality. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2022, Article-ID.

  4. Fatichah, C., Purwitasari, D., Hariadi, V., & Effendy, F. (2014). Overlapping white blood cell segmentation and counting on microscopic blood cell images. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 7(3), 1271-1286.

  5. Purbandini, P., Werdiningsih, I., Purwanti, E., & Anjani, A. (2023, May). Medical product sales forecasting at pharmaceutical distribution company (Case study: PT. Lenko Surya Perkasa Branch Office Sidoarjo). In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2536, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  6. Kustiyahningsih, Y., Rahmanita, E., Purbandini, & Kholifah, N.M. (2022). Salt Farmer measurement performance system facing Covid-19 pandemic used interval type-2 FAHP Method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2193.

  7. Werdiningsih, I., Hendradi, R., Purbandini, P., Nuqoba, B., & Anna, E. (2021). The Efficient Distance Weighted Case Base Rule (DW-CBR) for Early Childhood Diseases Diagnosis. International Journal of Computing, 20(2), 262-269.

  8. Werdiningsih,I.,Hendradi,R.,Purbandini,,Nuqoba,B. & Ana,E.(2019).Identification of Risk Factors for Early Childhood Diseases Using Association Rules Algorithm with Feature Reduction. Cybernetics and Information Technologies,19(3) 154-167.

  9. Purbandini, Weridianti, M., & Puspitasari, S. D. (2019, March). The design of geographic information system determination of slum area to improve villages in supporting green and clean in Surabaya City using Fuzzy-AHP method. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 245, No. 1, p. 012037). IOP Publishing.

  10. Subiakto, R. B., Hendradi, R., Werdiningsih, I., & Lung, C. W. (2023, January). Pneumonia detection in children chest X-ray images using convolutional neural networks. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2554, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  11. Damayanti, A., & Werdiningsih, I. (2018, March). Classification of tumor based on magnetic resonance (MR) brain images using wavelet energy feature and neuro-fuzzy model. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 974, No. 1, p. 012027). IOP Publishing.

  12. Werdiningsih, I., Zaman, B., & Nuqoba, B. (2017, August). Application of wavelet transformation and adaptive neighborhood based modified backpropagation (ANMBP) for classification of brain cancer. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1867, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  13. Ismail, W., Niknejad, N., Bahari, M., Hendradi, R., Zaizi, N. J. M., & Zulkifli, M. Z. (2021). Water treatment and artificial intelligence techniques: a systematic literature review research. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-19.

  14. Gharaei, N., Abdullah, Z. H., Ismail, W., Grosan, C., & Hendradi, R. (2023, February). Exercise game Rehabilitation of post-injury patients on range of motion: Optimization using genetic algorithms. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2562, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  15. Novitasari, D. C. R., Fatmawati, F., Hendradi, R., Nariswari, R., & Saputra, R. A. (2023). Automated Staging of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Convolutional Support Vector Machine (CSVM) Based on Fundus Image Data. JOIV: International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 7(4), 2223-2229.

  16. Novitasari, D. C. R., Hendradi, R., Farida, Y., Putra, R. E., Nariswari, R., Saputra, R. A., & Setyowati, R. D. N. (2023). Effective Hybrid Convolutional-Modified Extreme Learning Machine in Early Stage Diabetic Retinopathy. International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems, 16(2).

  17. Novitasari, D. C. R., Fatmawati, F., Hendradi, R., Rohayani, H., Nariswari, R., Arnita, A., … & Primadewi, A. (2022). Image fundus classification system for diabetic retinopathy stage detection using hybrid CNN-DELM. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(4), 146.

  18. Fabil, N., Ismail, W., Mansor, E. I., & Hendradi, R. (2022, November). Usability evaluation of exercise games for medical interactive rehabilitation assistance (MIRA) system for tele-rehabilitation. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2644, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  19. Novitasari, D. C. R., & Hendradi, R. (2022, October). Hybrid Method to Identify Diabetic Retinopathy. In 2022 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICon EEI) (pp. 64-69). IEEE.

  20. Lin, H. J., Chou, L. W., Chang, K. M., Wang, J. F., Chen, S. H., & Hendradi, R. (2022). Visual fatigue estimation by eye tracker with regression analysis. Journal of Sensors, 2022, 1-7.

  21. Gharaei, N., Ismail, W., Grosan, C., & Hendradi, R. (2021). Optimizing the setting of medical interactive rehabilitation assistant platform to improve the performance of the patients: A case study. Artificial intelligence in medicine, 120, 102151.

  22. Ismail, W., Grosan, C., Abdullah, Z. H., Aldailamy, A. Y., Zainal, N., & Hendradi, R. (2021, October). Integrated-Regression and Whale Optimisation Algorithms to post stroke rehabilitation analysis: A case study for serious games. In 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers & Informatics (ISCI) (pp. 7-12). IEEE.

  23. Ismail, W., Al-Hadi, I. A. A. Q., Grosan, C., & Hendradi, R. (2021). Improving patient rehabilitation performance in exercise games using collaborative filtering approach. PeerJ Computer Science, 7, e599.

  24. Tsai, J. Y., Jan, Y. K., Liau, B. Y., Subiakto, R. B. R., Lin, C. Y., Hendradi, R., … & Lung, C. W. (2020). A convolutional neural network model to classify the effects of vibrations on biceps muscles. In Advances in Physical, Social & Occupational Ergonomics: Proceedings of the AHFE 2020 Virtual Conferences on Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors, Social & Occupational Ergonomics and Cross-Cultural Decision Making, July 16–20, 2020, USA (pp. 56-62). Springer International Publishing.

  25. Novitasari, D. C. R., Hendradi, R., Caraka, R. E., Rachmawati, Y., Fanani, N. Z., Syarifudin, A., … & Chen, R. C. (2020). Detection of COVID-19 chest X-ray using support vector machine and convolutional neural network. Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2020, Article-ID.

  26. Rahma, O., Hendradi, R., & Fadli, A. M. A. (2019). Classifying imaginary hand movement through electroencephalograph signal for neuro-rehabilitation. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST), 16(12), 943-953.

  27. Hendradi, R., Arifin, A., Shida, H., Gunawan, S., Purnomo, M. H., Hasegawa, H., & Kanai, H. (2016). Analysis and methods to test classification of normal and pathological heart sound signals. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 90(1), 222-236.

  28. Hendradi, R., Arifin, A., Shida, H., Gunawan, S., Purnomo, M. H., Hasegawa, H., & Kanai, H. (2016). Signal processing and extensive characterization method of heart sounds based on wavelet analysis. International Review of Electrical Engineering, 11(1), 55-68.

  29. Hendradi, R., Arifin, A., Purnomo, M. H., & Gunawan, S. (2012, July). Exploration of cardiac valvular hemodynamics by heart sound analysis of hypertensive cardiac disease background patients. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Cybernetics (CyberneticsCom) (pp. 153-157). IEEE.

  30. Puspitasari, I., Ariful, R., & Nuqoba, B. (2021, February). Public health on social media: Using Instagram posts for investigating dengue hemorrhagic fever in Indonesia. In AIP conference proceedings (Vol. 2329, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  31. Nuqoba, B., & Tan, H. P. (2021, July). Prediction of Sleep Quality in Live-Alone Diabetic Seniors Using Unobtrusive In-Home Sensors. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 307-321). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

  32. Nuqoba, B., & Hwee-Pink, T. A. N. (2020, December). Prediction of Nocturia in Live Alone Elderly Using Unobtrusive In-Home Sensors. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 4929-4937). IEEE.

Utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Information Technology Governance

PIC: Dr. Eva Hariyanti

Related Publications

  1. Raharjana, I. K., Ibadillah, I., & Hariyanti, E. (2018, October). Incident and service request management for academic information system based on COBIT. In 2018 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics (EECSI) (pp. 421-425). IEEE.

  2. Hariyanti, E., Janeswari, M. B., Moningka, M. M., Aziz, F. M., Putri, A. R., Hapsari, O. S., … & Bendesa, M. P. (2023). Implementations of Artificial Intelligence in Various Domains of IT Governance: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Information Systems Engineering & Business Intelligence, 9(2).

  3. Hariyanti, E., Djunaidy, A., & Siahaan, D. (2021). Information security vulnerability prediction based on business process model using machine learning approach. Computers & Security, 110, 102422.

  4. Hariyanti, E., Djunaidy, A., & Siahaan, D. O. (2018, August). A conceptual model for information security risk considering business process perspective. In 2018 4th International conference on science and technology (ICST) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

  5. Justitia, A., Zaman, B., & Putra, D. K. (2021, February). Evaluating the quality of a help-desk complaint management service using six-sigma and COBIT 5 framework. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2329, No. 1). AIP Publishing.

  6. Djunaidy, A., Hariyanti, E., Siahaan, D. (2023). Adaptive modeling for security vulnerability propagation to predict the impact of business process redesign. F1000Research, 12, 462.

  7. Mardiyana, I., Hariyanti, E., Arrasyid, NN., Handayani, AT., Suryadewi, KS.,…(2023). Penerapan Kerangka Kerja Keamanan Informasi di Rumah Sakit: Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis. Jutisi: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi, 12 (2), 729-738.

  8. Setyadji, AES., Putrananda, ARR., Permadi, DH., Nustara, RI., Pratama, RB.,… & Hariyanti, E. (2023). Causes of Ineffective Implementation of IT Governance in Risk Management: A Systematic Literature Review. JIKO: Jurnal Informatika dan Komputer, 6 (2).

  9. Awalurahman, HW., Hariyanti, E., Cahyani, AN., Rahmi, NF., Muhammad, DH.,…(2023). State of the art in service level agreement implementation and standardization: A literature review. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2975, No. 1).AIP Publishing