Benchmarking Visitation Program for Cenderawasih University’s Bachelor of Information Systems Program

On April 29th, 2024, the Bachelor of Information Systems Program at Airlangga University received a visit regarding benchmarking for the Bachelor of Information Systems Program at Cenderawasih University. On this occasion, it was attended by 9 representatives consisting of Dr. rer. nat. Henderite L. Ohee, M.Si, Octolia Togibasa, M.Si., Ph.D, Alvian Sroyer, M.Si., Supiyanto, M.Kom., Dr. Mingsep Sampebua, ST., MT, Remuz M.B. Kmurawak, ST., M.T., Agung Saputra, M.Kom, and Muhammad Asgar Nazal, S.Si., M.Cs. As for the Faculty of Science and Technology at Airlangga University, it was attended by Prof. Dr. Miratul Khasanah, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Retna Apsari, M.Si., Dr. Inna Kuswandari, M.Si., Dwi Winarni, M.Si., Dr. Eridani, S.Si., M.Si., as well as several lecturers and the Head of the Bachelor of Information Systems Program at Airlangga University. This opportunity was used to discuss preparations for upgrading the quality of education at Cenderawasih University and continued with a session of exchanging souvenirs until the closing session. Throughout the event, the Bachelor of Information Systems Program at both Airlangga University and Cendrawasih University actively discussed and deliberated on the programs that have been and will be used. The main topics of discussion in this meeting were focused on how to develop the Curriculum Structure Plan (RPS), as well as on the accreditation by LAM INFOKOM.

The first discussion session was about the establishment of a Doctorate program (S3) for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Cenderawasih University. Next, the management of assets for the faculty was discussed due to the initiation of funding management, and the management of faculty revenue related to laboratories. The following discussion was about the RPS and its evaluation. LAM INFOKOM and suggestions regarding the accreditation system that has been implemented by the Bachelor of Information Systems Program at UNAIR were also discussed, as well as how to prepare document systems for LAM INFOKOM accreditation. The stages of research, guidelines, schemes, timelines, and other provisions related to accreditation documents were discussed. These documents include provisions specific to each university and how the attachments are included in the accreditation documents. The importance of Instagram as evidence of the completion of activities was also discussed.

Handover of souvenirs from Cenderawasih University to Airlangga University

It is hoped that with the successful implementation of this benchmarking event, the Bachelor of Information Systems Program at Airlangga University can expand its network to Eastern Indonesia, thus fostering good cooperation in higher education institutions throughout Indonesia.