
The Information Systems Study Program at Universitas Airlangga has been admitting new students since the academic year 2008/2009. Four (4) years after accepting new students and before the first graduates were awarded, in the year 2012, the Information Systems Study Program was accredited by BAN-PT and obtained a B accreditation, valid until 2017. Based on the Decree of BAN-PT Number 3940/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/X/2017 Information Systems Study Program received an A accreditation, effective from 2017 until October 24, 2022. As of December 18, the Information Systems Study Program at Universitas Airlangga has obtained EXCELLENT accreditation from LAM INFOKOM according to the Decree of LAM INFOKOM Number 124/SK/LAM-INFOKOM/Ak/S/XII/2022, valid from 2022 until December 18, 2027.

  • The certificate of EXCELLENT accreditation from LAM INFOKOM for the Bachelor of Information Systems at Universitas Airlangga for the period 2022-2027 can be downloaded here
  • The certificate of A accreditation from BAN PT for the Bachelor of Information Systems at Universitas Airlangga for the period 2017-2022 can be downloaded here
  • The certificate of B accreditation from BAN PT for the Bachelor of Information Systems at Universitas Airlangga for the period 2012-2017 can be downloaded here
  • Search for accreditation results by LAM INFOKOM can be conducted here
  • Search for accreditation results by BAN-PT can be conducted here