Business Intelligence


To become an excellent research group for the conduct of creative and innovative research in the field of Business Intelligence.


  • Conducting high-quality and impactful research in the field of Business Intelligence involving industry, the community, and government.
  • Developing collaborative research with leading research groups and universities in Indonesia and around the world.
  • Facilitating high-quality research for students.
  • Scope of Business Intelligence

No Topic Sub Topic
1. Data and Text Mining Analyzing the relationship between documents obtained from data mining in the form of images or text from documents to achieve the goals of an organization or company in supporting decision making.
2. Data Warehouse The use of concepts and technology combinations that provide facilities to an organization in the management and maintenance of historical data obtained from systems and operational applications.
3. Artificial Intelligence Making machines and computer programs to automate tasks that require intelligent behavior.
4. Decision Support System Computer-based information systems (including knowledge-based systems) that are used to support decision making, identify new opportunities, and implement business strategies in an organization or company.
5. Computer Science Analyzing and implementing abstract algorithms in solving problems related to decision making in an organization or company.
  • Group Member

Endah Purwanti (Chief) Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Author ID of Scopus: [57094026700] Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [5978838]
Rimuljo Hendradi Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Author ID of Scopus:[55613484700] Orcid ID: SINTA ID: [5978725] Profile of Google Scholar
Eto Wuryanto Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Author ID of Scopus: : [57204975149] Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [5981863] Profile of Google Scholar
Dyah Herawatie Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Business Intelligence Author ID of Scopus: – Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [5985037] Profile of Google Scholar
Kartono Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Author ID of Scopus: Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [5984871] Profile of Google Scholar
Indah Werdiningsih Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Author ID of Scopus: [56023952200] Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [5979445] Profile of Google Scholar
Faried Effendy Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Information System Business Intelligence Author ID of Scopus: [56592788400] Orcid ID: SINTA ID: [5984233] Profile of Google Scholar
Purbandini Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Author ID of Scopus: [56397160600] Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [5978742] Profile of Google Scholar
Barry Nuqoba Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Author ID of Scopus: [57195415503] Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [6067157] Profile of Google Scholar
Army Justitia Information System, Department of Mathematics, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Email: Artificial intelligence    Information System Expert System    Enterprise Architecture Author ID of Scopus: – Orcid ID: – SINTA ID: [6087235] Profile of Google Scholar
  • Adjunct

Chin-Sung Hsiao
Professor Chin-Sung Hsiao Asia University, Taiwan
Chang-Wei Hsieh
Associate Professor Chang-Wei Hsieh Asia University, Taiwan
Chi-Wen LUNG
Associate Professor Chi-Wen LUNG Asia University, Taiwan
  • Research Roadmap

  • Research Priority
    • Development of artificial intelligence-based decision support systems in the fields of education, business, and health.
    • Development of electronic diagnosis systems in business and health based on mobile technology.
    • Development of fintech-based applications that support the Industry 4.0 revolution.
    • Deep learning and big data in business and healthcare.
  • Target of Research Impact

    Period 2016 – 2019 : Basic Research (Achievement of TKT 1 to TKT 3) Period 2020 – 2025 : Applied Research (Achievement of TKT 4 to TKT 6) Period 2026 – 2030 : Development Research (Achievement of TKT 7 to TKT 9)

  • Ten-Year Program

    Periode Topik Riset Target
    2016 – 2019 Initiate research group. The main topic research is:
    • Expert system-based disease diagnosis system.
    • Company activity scheduling based on machine learning.
    • Mathematical algorithm analysis in solving decision-making related problems.
    • 7 reputable international journal.
    • 1 teaching manual
    • 1 textbook
    • 1 Copyright
    • 15 Scopus indexed proceeding
    • 10 accredited national journal
    2020 – 2025
    • Development of expert system-based diagnostic systems in business and healthcare.
    • Effectiveness and efficiency of machine learning development supporting decision support systems in business.
    • Initiating fintech-based applications in the Industry 4.0 revolution.
    • Blockchain implementation in the healthcare and educational field
    • 12 reputable international journal, with 3 articles in journal have impact factor or Q1/Q2.
    • 2 teaching manual
    • 2 textbook
    • 2 Copyright
    • 15 Scopus indexed proceeding
    • 10 accredited national journal
    2026 – 2030
    • Development of deep learning and big data in business and healthcare.
    • Blockchain implementation in the industrial field.
    • Development of e-commerce application
    • 20 reputable international journal, with 3 articles in journal have impact factor or Q1/Q2.
    • 3 teaching manual
    • 2 textbook
    • 2 Copyright
    • 15 Scopus indexed proceeding
    • 10 accredited national journal
  • Work Program
    • Improving the quality of human resources through training and workshops in related fields of study from reputable institutions. This includes pursuing professional certification in Business Intelligence to support a strong research foundation.
    • Facilitating student research in thesis supervision, with a minimum target of 30% of students who choose topics in Business Intelligence to publish their work in accredited national journals, reputable international proceedings, or reputable international journals.
    • Fully supporting the management of the Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Business Intelligence by providing human resources from the Business Intelligence research group to make it a reputable international journal.