Field Work Practice

Implementation of Field Work Practice in the Bachelor of Information Systems

  1. Students determine the target organization for Field Work Practice.
  2. Students create a Field Work Practice proposal.
  3. Students make a request for Field Work Practice Advisor by using Google Form. Internship Advisor Application Form
  4. Students get an announcement about his/her advisor through the email.
  5. Students consult the proposal with his/her advisor
  6. Students submit an application for a Field Work Practice letter.
    • Students fill out the Field Work Practice application form. The cover letter format can be downloaded below.
      Field Work Practice Application Letter Format
    • Students request the signatures of the Field Work Practice supervising lecturer and the program coordinator for the Field Work Practice proposal and application.
    • Students submit their Field Work Practice letter application to the FST Academic Subdivision through the following form.
      Field Work Practice Application Form
    • Students receive the Field Work Practice letter from the FST Academic Subdivision, which is sent via email.
  7. Students submit the Field Work Practice proposal and letter application to the targeted organization.
  8. If the Field Work Practice proposal is rejected by the targeted organization, students must start again from step 2.
  9. If the proposal is accepted by the targeted organization, students must fill out a daily logbook using the form below.
    Log Book Form
  10. Students are required to create a report for the Field Work Practice organization.
  11. Students request an evaluation for the Field Work Practice from the field supervisor using the following template.
    Field Work Practice Application Form
  12. Students create a report of the results of the Field Work Practice.
  13. Students consult with the supervising lecturer regarding the Field Work Practice report.
    • If there are still revisions needed, students must revise the Field Work Practice report.
    • If there are no revisions, you can proceed to the next step.
  14. After creating the Field Work Practice report, students can fill out the Field Work Practice Seminar form using the following form.
    Field Work Practice Seminar Form
  15. Students conduct the Field Work Practice seminar.
  16. During Field Work Practice stages 1 to 9, students have at least 4 guidance sessions with the supervising lecturer.