Bachelor Thesis

Stages of Bachelor Thesis Information Systems Program
- The student’s bachelor thesis proposal must have been accepted and approved.
- The student conducts research according to the bachelor thesis topic.
- Writing chapters 4 and 5 of the bachelor thesis manuscript based on the research conducted by the student.
- Requesting the willingness of the Bachelor Thesis Advisor.
- Consulting on the bachelor thesis with Bachelor Thesis Advisors I & II at least 17 times.
(Filling out a consultation card each time).- If there are revisions from the Bachelor Thesis Advisors, the student must revise the bachelor thesis manuscript.
- If it is in accordance (no revisions are needed), the student proceeds to the next step.
- Submitting the bachelor thesis examination.
- Submit documents via email
- Bachelor thesis manuscript in Word format
- Bachelor thesis manuscript in PDF format
- Bachelor thesis consultation cards with Bachelor Thesis Advisors
- Approval forms from the academic advisor and Bachelor Thesis Advisors
- JISEBI Article
- Submit documents via Administrative Office
- 4 copies of the bachelor thesis manuscript
- 4 copies of the JISEBI Article
- Bachelor thesis consultation cards with Bachelor Thesis Advisors
- Contacting Mrs. Yuli via WhatsApp.
- Submit documents via email
- Waiting for information regarding the thesis examination schedule and examiners.
- Conducting the thesis examination.
- Making revisions to the bachelor thesis manuscript.
- Completing the graduation documentation as follows:
- Bachelor Thesis Manuscript
- Indonesian JISEBI Journal
- English JISEBI Journal
- Indonesian Abstract
- English Abstract
- ELPT Certificate
- PKKMB Certificate
- Indonesian Bachelor Thesis Poster
- English Bachelor Thesis Poster
- Official Receipt of the Poster
- Creating a compact disc (CD) containing the Poster and a printed receipt of the Poster.
- Transcript of Achievement Credit System
- Total SKP.txt → Contains names, the number of certificates, and the total Achievement Credit System.
- Graduates’ Data Form → available for download at FST Download Page
- Letter of No Borrowed Books from RBC
- Tuition fee payment receipt
- 4×6 Pass Photo
- Photo Upload Receipt → upload the photo at Directorate of Education Page
- Academic Transcript (List of Grades)
- Final Semester Transcript (including bachelor thesis grade)
- Senior High School Certificate
- Proof of Proposal Approval Sheet
- Proof of Bachelor Thesis Approval Sheet
- Proof of Bachelor Thesis Upload → proof of independent upload on the AILIS website
- Clearance Letter of Library Repository
- Letter of Submission of Scientific Work
- Student’s National Identity Card
- Bachelor Thesis Proposal Binding and Duplication Letter
- Bachelor Thesis Manuscript Binding and Duplication Letter
- Embargo Letter